Thursday 27 December 2012

Know About Smokeless Tobacco Alternatives

Many people in this world are getting addicted to smoking tobacco cigarettes. For some of them, it is just another way to get entertained and gain some joy out of it. For others, cigarette smoking is an inevitable part of their life. They need a puff when they are happy or when they are sad or just for any reason whatsoever. These smokers impart lots of importance to smoking tobacco and cannot even think of parting with it.

They do not realize that their smoking habit is a cause of concern for others. Passive smoking can have a bad effect on the health of people living or working with the smoker. However, medical practitioners working at rehab centers believe that smokers can be persuaded to quit smoking for their family. These doctors usually prescribe a Nicotine Replacement Therapy for smokers to help them get rid of their habit.

The downside of this therapy is that it contains products that include nicotine in minor amounts. Due to this, the smoker is gradually de-addicted from smoking tobacco. However, on the other hand, he might end up having another addiction of a nicotine-based product. This is surely not desired in a rehab treatment.

Smokeless tobacco alternatives-:
Nowadays, many herbal smoking blends are available in the market. The main difference between nicotine replacement therapy and an herbal smoke blend is that these herbal cigarettes do not contain nicotine. Nicotine has ill-effects on our body and is addictive too. 

Friday 30 November 2012

Why one should stop smoking cigarettes?

Over 45 million people in the United States smoke. We all are aware that smoking can increase risk of mouth and throat cancers, coronary heart problems, stroke and lung. However, the truth is that quitting smoking is very hard. According to the CDC, 68.8% of existing smokers are trying to quit.

A smoker, would probably ask- why to quit smoking? This is natural as every smoker has his/her own reasons for smoking tobacco. Scientific research shows that initially people smoke for pleasure; however, later it leads to addiction and then the habit. Many people smoke to relive their stress or anxiety. Once an individual gets used to smoking at regular intervals, it becomes very hard to control this habit. If you think that ashtray smell is the latest perfume you should wear, then you need to think about some ill effects of smoking tobacco.

What are effects of tobacco smoking?
  • Blindness
  • Impotency and Infertility
  • Various cancers, particularly lung cancer
  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Gangrene
  • Loss of limbs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Gum disease
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Stained teeth and smelly breath
  • Premature aging
  • Stomach ulcers 

Friday 23 November 2012

Tobacco Free Cigarette: An effective Quit smoking Aid

As the name suggests, tobacco free cigarettes are cigarettes, which do not contain tobacco. Such cigarettes are manufactured with the mixture of various herbs and plants. These types of cigarettes are different than the natural tobacco cigarettes. These tobacco free cigarettes are used to quit smoking.

Tobacco free natural cigarettes contain ingredients like liquorices, basil, turmeric, clove, tenduleaves, Gangal, Bishops weed, Indian Cinnamon, Indian Badellium, etc. These cigarettes do not have addictive nicotine substance and therefore, they are healthy means of smoking. Nowadays these cigarettes are very much in demand and are also utilized by the actors who are nonsmokers.

Tobacco free cigarettes can also be called as herbal cigarettes. Today, traditional cigarette smoking is widespread across the world. They have made millions of users smoke addictive leading to life threatening diseases. The addiction is so strong that very few lucky ones are able to get themselves out of this addiction. But now, due to smokeless cigarettes this path has become easier.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

What is meant by Smoking tobacco?

Tobacco has been consumed by a lot of people since many centuries. However, smoking is regarded as one of the oldest ways of consuming tobacco. Tobacco can be consumed in various forms like bedis, cigarettes and cigar. In all these forms, tobacco content is filled in a paper which is then rolled around and given the shape of cigarettes. Dried leaves of the tobacco plant are filled in the paper rolls. Tobacco is inhaled in gaseous form by lighting one end of the cigarette. These cigarettes contain harmful substances like nicotine which have adverse side effects on human health as against natural cigarettes which only contain herbs and plants.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Best Way To Stop Smoking

For the nonsmokers it is very difficult to understand that why the smokers cannot quit. Everybody knows and it also comes written on the carton that smoking is injurious to health, but still smokers do not want to quit. This is because it is very hard to quit smoking. Initially, it makes you feel relaxed and slowly it becomes a very strong addiction. When you smoke for a very long period of time, smoking and cigarette both become a part of your personality. Therefore, in many quit smoking reviews you will come across the tips like strong reason to stop smoking and list of proper planning.

Due to the complications involved in quit smoking endeavor, the first thing you can do is go on nicotine free cigarettes. These cigarettes looks like real cigarettes, but do not contain addictive and cancerous ingredients like nicotine. You can slowly replace the cigarettes with the nicotine free or electronic cigarettes each day and finally after 4 to 5 days you can reduce the use of nicotine free cigarettes each day.

Monday 29 October 2012

Find An Easy Way To Quit Smoking

If you want to quit smoking but are confused about how do I quit smoking, then there is no need to worry. Most of them want to get rid of it. However, many factors stop them from doing so. Some of the reasons, for saying no to stop smoking include –
  • Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. The craving for smoking forcefully turns them to smoking.
  • Smoking provides psychological comfort to some people. They are reluctant to quit smoking.
  • Some people find it relaxing and solution for all stress and worries.
  • Many people fear for its withdrawal symptoms as well as do not want to take help of others.
For all these people, many methods and aids are available to quit smoking naturally. In addition, there are different stop smoking products like medications, Nicotine Replacement therapy, and herbal cigarettes etc. that help to quit smoking.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Save Life With Herbs

It is now possible for you to enjoy your smoking without the fear of tobacco. The alternate source those are available now-a-days are nicotine free herbal tobacco, electronic cigarettes and pre-rolled herbal cigarettes. One of the alternative, herbal smoke blends is a product that has all herbs in it in the form of nicotine alternative. An herbal smoke blend provides you with some reminiscing and fantastic exotic herbal smokes. It is true that adopting anything new is not so easy. But it is necessary for you to take a step further for improving your life. And herbal smoke blend helps you to take this further step towards your better future and health.